Tuesday 13 February 2018
Sivananthi Thanenthiran

#InequalityIs not having autonomy over your body or your life." - Sivananthi Thanenthiran, Executive Director of Arrow

Siva is the Executive Director of The Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW) based in Malaysia. ARROW strives to enable women to be equal citizens in all aspects of their life by ensuring their sexual and reproductive health and rights are achieved.
She comes from a diverse range of work experiences: English Literature, Critical and Cultural Theory, teaching, magazine editor, writer. Siva joined ARROW first as a consultant on the IRRMA project findings titled ‘Rights & Realities’ and later as Programme Manager, Information & Communications. Siva is responsible for innovating and conceptualizing the ICPD+15 project at ARROW which now spans 22 partners in 12 countries. 

I remember reading one of her posts on how her father encouraged her to go back to work after having children. Today she represents Arrow globally and has spoken on many issues on women across the globe including at the United Nations (UN). Another interesting aspect of Siva is that, she regularly wears the saree while speaking at conferences globally. 

• Co-author, ‘Sexuality, Families & Rights,’ agenda-setting thematic paper for UNFPA’s Global Youth Forum, December 2012, UNFPA & ARROW, 2012, Reclaiming & Redefining Rights – ICPD+15: Status of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Asia.”, “Cities, Chaos & Creativity: A Sourcebook for Communicators”, “Cities, Citizens & Civilisations: Frequently Asked Questions on Good Urban Governance”, 
• Author, ‘Seizing the Pivotal Moment: NGOs strategizing for SRHR in Asia and the Pacific Post-2014,’ ARROWs For Change Vol 18 Special Edition, 2012.

#malaysianindian #malaysianindianwomen #msianindianwomen #inspiringmsianinsianwomen

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